
Musiс whilе plаying?

Discussion in 'More Civilization' started by Goodman, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Goodman

    Goodman Well-Known Member Regular

    Hеy guys, dо yоu hеаr musiс whilе plаying сiv3? аrе yоur сiv3 Sоund оn оr оff?
  2. FuZyOn

    FuZyOn Well-Known Member Regular

    I like to play Civilization with the soundtrack of the game, although from time to time I like to listen to "epic music" from bands like Two Steps from Hell, I feel like those are appropriate for the atmosphere.
  3. Casiox

    Casiox Well-Known Member Regular

    Well, I personally like playing some of my music because I've listened to Civ's soundtrack way too much and it already gets me kinda bored but still, I like listening to it sometimes, mostly when I am really focused playing the game or when I want to start something new.
  4. DeeDee

    DeeDee Well-Known Member Regular

    I like playing with the original music for the game. If I have been playing the game for too long I might get sick of it but that takes a very long time for me to reach that point as I always prefer to be immersed in the original way that it was intended.
  5. SirJoe

    SirJoe Well-Known Member Regular

    I like playing with the games sound track it makes me feel more part of the game. I have played it with other music running in the background but I didn't enjoy it as much.
  6. NormaD

    NormaD Active Member Regular

    I think the game's own soundtrack really works perfectly. I don't think I would enjoy it as much if I played something different. Maybe I'll change my tune once I've listened to it a couple of thousand times...
  7. Terry

    Terry Well-Known Member Regular

    I usuаlly dо nоt listеn tо thе musiс, еxсеpt fоr in thе mоdеrn аgе. Thе mоdеrn аgе musiс is bаdаss. оnly а соuplе sоngs in thе industriаl аnd mеdiеvаl аgе аrе gооd.
  8. Mistiq

    Mistiq Member Regular

    I prefer to listen to the game's own soundtrack rather than something else. It just wouldn't feel the same playing the game with another sound playing. The music from the game helps me to feel like I'm really part of it.
  9. AntonioCalcano

    AntonioCalcano Member Regular

    I always like playing with the game's own music. I think it's part of the experience and consider that if I listen to something else my experience won't be complete. Of course sometimes I would play with different music that matches the atmosphere but it's not something I like to do frequently, only when I've been playing for long and get tired of the music.
  10. Working Buck

    Working Buck Well-Known Member Regular

    I usually listen to metal whatever I am playing. Gives me that rush feeling while playing a game.
  11. rz3300

    rz3300 Well-Known Member Regular

    It just depends on my mood, and sometimes I really need some music and other times it seems to bug me and I turn it off. It is probably about fifty fifty too, which is strange I guess.