Mercenary mode - a clever addition or a flop?


Well-Known Member
As I'm sure you know, Blizzard has recently announced Mercenary mode: a PvP mode in which you can fight for the other faction. This will probably only be available in realms with a lot of imbalanced population, so I think that this is a really smart move on their behalf.

Now, I'm sure that not everyone agrees with this, so I'd love to know: What do you think about this? Will it suck? Why (not)?


Well-Known Member
Blizzard has always had the philosophy and has said outright that they put gameplay above lore, and I agree with them on that. The thing is, I do not pvp much, so I really don´t know how much of an impact it will have on the game overall. I know BG queues have been a big problem for some players, but is that big portion of players or just a vocal small minority. If it helps fix queue times for player who enjoy BGs, then it definitely was a good move. I think the whole ´mercenary´ thing is funny though, it is like this flimsy lore ´just because we have to´..


New Member
Originally I had some serious concerns about people just joining with the side that wins more frequently (let's be honest: On most servers that's the Horde), but it seems like it'll only be available as an option specifically when queue times are dragging on into the ridiculous, so I have high hopes for it being successful.
It may also help the skill disparity somewhat, which would be a welcome fix.


Well-Known Member
Originally I had some serious concerns about people just joining with the side that wins more frequently (let's be honest: On most servers that's the Horde), but it seems like it'll only be available as an option specifically when queue times are dragging on into the ridiculous, so I have high hopes for it being successful.
It may also help the skill disparity somewhat, which would be a welcome fix.

This may actually help fix that I hope. It is really weird in that it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think overall the maps are balanced and neither side has any type of advantage, but certain BGs are just so one-sided that if you get that BG as the side that always loses, then half your team won´t even try, which makes you lose, which fulfills the prophecy.


Well-Known Member
I think it could be a clever addition, for the most part. I think its inclusion makes a lot of sense for the game in a somewhat small way. It's not going to impact most players as far as I'm concerned.


It must be really sad to be on the World of Warcraft storyline/lore team and try to give a valid explanation for why there is an Orc with a funny looking human mask fighting along side gnomes :D
From a lore perspective this is a nightmare! However, I can see why they did it and I am kind of glad. The game really needed some balance because everyone is playing Human in PVP and the queue times are mind blowing.
Next lets hope they do not make the same mistake in Legion with Ashran.