Jun Yun

Well-Known Member
Not sure if somebody have already asked this question, but I'm gonna ask it anyway, so LoL or DOTA 2?

Explain how the other is better than the other and how the other frails in comparison with the other.



Well-Known Member
I prefer League because the graphics on Dota 2 are way too dark and the action is slower. But the community is not that different, maybe LoL's a little bit worse, and the champions are similar too.


Well-Known Member
I have played Dota 2 only once and I didn't quite like it. The user interface was quite confusing and I could barely find my champion on the screen. Maybe I'm just used to League of Legends, but there must be a reason for it to be so much popular. Champion-wise, you need to work a lot on buying the champions in League of Legends, while in Dota 2 you have all of them available, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I would assume some Dota players are led by what's trendy ("OP") right now when picking their champions and can fail horribly, while League has the element of anticipating the buying of your desired champion and I like that.

Jun Yun

Well-Known Member
I have played Dota 2 only once and I didn't quite like it. The user interface was quite confusing and I could barely find my champion on the screen. Maybe I'm just used to League of Legends, but there must be a reason for it to be so much popular. Champion-wise, you need to work a lot on buying the champions in League of Legends, while in Dota 2 you have all of them available, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I would assume some Dota players are led by what's trendy ("OP") right now when picking their champions and can fail horribly, while League has the element of anticipating the buying of your desired champion and I like that.

Have not faced an OP hero in DOTA 2, if you have a competitive team and saw that the enemy team has a pretty good carry, chances are you're team will work on a line up that'll prevent that hero from being OP.


Well-Known Member
I prefer League. It's a much more basic MOBA and for having so many fewer elements it is extremely fun. It is a different pace than Dota too.


Well-Known Member
I prefer LoL. While I can't say I've spent a ton of time playing DOTA 2, I've tried it enough to the point where I always found myself having more fun playing League. I like the pace of League better and I like the champions in League better. My opinion would probably change a bit if I played the game more, but don't really feel like investing the time into doing so. I play too many games as it is!

Burt Povski

Well-Known Member
I kind of like League of Legends better than DotA. From my experience. DotA is so much harder than League of Legends. But then again, I have been playing more League of Legends than DotA. I feel that LoL has more champions than DotA, but I think they're about the same. Plus I have a lot more playtime on LoL, and I've gotten much more experience. I've recently hit Diamond 1, so I'm quite happy about that. Hopefully I can get my challenger soon.


Well-Known Member
Always preferred LoL over DotA, I tried playing DotA at one point and I just couldn't get into it, I didn't like the art/graphics style of it, plus I think the learning curve is far more complex compared to LoL, especially with items and things of that nature.

Ram Levy

Well-Known Member
You ask this in the LoL forum so you will probably get more league lovers comments. For me its LoL indeed. Dota 2 is pretty good, but not as good as League.


Well-Known Member
I will have to say League of Legends. The learning curve took way to long for me to learn. I also thing if I have to switch to DOTA then I would have to learn that more than League of Legends.


Active Member
I'd definitely go for Dota 2! Think about it, LoL's concept originally comes from dota but just has diverse heroes and items. Add to the fact that LoL's graphics tends to be for kids compared to dota 2.


I prefer LoL because of the skins and graphics. I played Dota once and confused with the creeps and its dark maps. But Dota is more on strategies and such.


Well-Known Member
Graphics-wise - I like LoL way-more than DotA, but DotA, imo, has better graphics.
Gameplay - They're pretty much the same, fundamentally. They have their differences. DotA has day/night, courier, uphill miss-chance. LoL, on the other hand has runes and masteries.
Community - LoL is has way better community. LoL is both a game and a social platform, imo.
Champions/Heroes - Again, they have their differences, but LoL's champions are more original.


Well-Known Member
These kind of threads have already become obsolete IMO.
My two cents is that we should respect others' liking and not interfere within them and it, because we can't change the way they see things.
I personally prefer LoL over DoTA because it's more simplistic, but others would always take DoTA because its complexity suits them better.

Working Buck

Well-Known Member
Community wise i prefer Dota 2, I think a lot of younger players play League. It's okay if these young players know how to take a beating. Most of them just troll around and sometimes cause commotion within the team. Aside from that, I prefer League over Dota 2.


Well-Known Member
I personally couldn't get into DoTA, the graphics and champions seemed bland to me and I didn't feel connected to the community. League of Legends has captivated me from day one and I've been playing on and off for nearly 6 years, I just love the characters and lore.


Used to play lot of LoL 5 years ago. That was the game that got me into gaming. Now I play Dota 2 way more than I play LoL (still have LoL updated since I have friends in LoL). The only time I play LoL now is when my friends ask me to. It's not boring, but the Dota learning curve is higher and more to my liking. Also Dota 2 is generally more competitive (perhaps the reason behind the high prize pools).

Graphic wise, both games differ a lot. LoL is simpler and modern. Dota 2 is like mythological. Plus I've found that there are more issues with graphics for me in Dota 2 as compared to LoL. That doesn't stop me from loving Dota though. All the heroes and unique and the queue system(MMR) is simply way better than LoL's (also takes less time).

I'd say that the community is pretty similar, although since Dota is more competitive, you will find less 'intentional' feeders. You'll still find feeders, of course, but not many intentional ones. The intentional feeders on LoL get a time-based lock but ones in Dota get low priority queue(upto 5 games) where they have to win (not just play) games with fellow feeders to get out which means a Dota feeder has to dedicate a minimum of 4 hours (assuming all 5 won and around 45 minutes match) to get out of low priority while a LoL player can just wait.

Anyway, the thing is--if I had started playing Dota 5 years ago i.e. when I played LoL, I would have quit it. Dota is not a good game for beginners. One reason for this is that it doesn't have the tutorials like LoL does (in LoL each hero's skills are shown in a graphic format while in Dota you have to read and understand them). If someone is new to gaming, LoL is better. If you want some challenging games and have fun when stuff gets tough, Dota is better.