
Active Member
So when I first played WoW, the level cap was 60, I think. Nowadays, it's reached 90, right? Or is it 95 now? I honestly have no idea. But the idea of starting a new character now feels way too daunting to me if I have to basically gain 90 levels.

Do you guys think the level cap will push past 100? If so, will it go even further? I feel like Blizzard always feels the pressure to raise the level cap with new expansions to give old players something new to do and keep them interested, but will this result in less new players?


Well-Known Member
yeah, you really haven´t been around lately.

1. Every time they raise the level cap with an expansion, they also decrease the amount of exp needed to level lower levels. It actually takes less time to go from 1-90 than it did to go from 1-60 back during BC

2. The new expansion pack ( WOD) allows you to instantly level up one character to lvl 90

3. There are all kinda catch-up mechanisms for professions. Once you get a character to lvl 100, it is very easy to get their professions caught up
Azrile basically covered everything, but the one comment i would like to make is about the future of WoW and the level cap.

I have a feeling the max level in WoW will cap off at 120 which will be probably two more expansions before they keep the level cap how it is and just add massive amounts of content. Perhaps they might do what Diablo does with paragon leveling, so that theres multiple areas of your character you need to level to cap.


Active Member
I do not think higher levels will discourage new players, true gamers understand the concept of a challenge and embrace it willingly. I love to start new characters and enjoy the task of leveling them up. It is a challenge as the cap increases but it makes it fun and you learn a lot about each different class of character.


Well-Known Member
Considering that the game is for $5 with all the expansions up until MoP, that's a pretty good price to pay for the game. Added with a $15 sub for the month. For $20 new players can get into the game and see if they really enjoy it enough or not before hitting up WoD. I wouldn't be surprised if the level cap ends at like 150 or 200 at this rate. WoW's not going anywhere anytime soon. If you're feeling really lazy you can still purchase a level jump for $60 alone, which is way overpriced for what it is imo, but that's another option too.


Well-Known Member
Considering that the game is for $5 with all the expansions up until MoP, that's a pretty good price to pay for the game. Added with a $15 sub for the month. For $20 new players can get into the game and see if they really enjoy it enough or not before hitting up WoD. I wouldn't be surprised if the level cap ends at like 150 or 200 at this rate. WoW's not going anywhere anytime soon. If you're feeling really lazy you can still purchase a level jump for $60 alone, which is way overpriced for what it is imo, but that's another option too.

Well people can actually play for free to level 20, which gives a good feel for whether or not they want to invest in the game at all. Then if they do, the get the 1 free level boost if they buy WoD, so no need to pay the $60 for it unless they have 2 characters they wanted to boost.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure the level cap will ever end with World of Warcraft. I mean, they might start slowing down the leveling process once/if they get up close to the 200's, but I don't think they'll stop with the leveling so long as people are paying them.


Well-Known Member
People were saying the last 5 years that WOW would end at lvl 100. There is nothing significant about levels, it is just +5 or + 10. And even the amount they raise it doesn´t matter. WoD had 10 new levels, but it took just as long to gain 5 levels in Mop.


Well-Known Member
P.S. I meant no final level cap that's capped off for good.

Yep, if they were able to successfully put it to triple digits, then nothing should matter until 1000. But as far as programming, it is just an INT that is saved, there is no reason to think they have any limitations at all on it.

i do think they will do another hero class that starts at a higher level, or else keep giving player boosts to the previous expansions pack.


Hmm. Does anyone else here feel like a level caps with three digits looks worse? After 100 that is. 105, 110, or 120 looks like too much. 100 seems kind of final for an MMORPG.


Well-Known Member
Well, I dont care for the level cap as long as we have content and lesser levels get squished. That being said, I can see blizz going as high as 200.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Does anyone else here feel like a level caps with three digits looks worse? After 100 that is. 105, 110, or 120 looks like too much. 100 seems kind of final for an MMORPG.

I guess we will know soon enough. Within 6 months they should probably start talking about the next expansion. You are right 110 seems kinda anti-climatic.. but then again, so did 90 and 85.
I honestly don't know when they will stop raising the levels. I tend to agree that as long as people pay them, they will raise the level cap and release new content. However, I have a feeling that more and more people are going to quit paying them because, in my opinion, with each expansion and level cap raise they continue to dumb the game down to the point where it loses a lot of its fun and challenge. It was ridiculously quick and easy to get several characters to 100 with maxed out garrisons in this expansion, and honestly I ended up turning off my game time because I just became bored. I know they will release content for WoD as time goes by, but for the moment I am just content playing something a little more challenging and less "Better log on for an hour to do my boring garrison stuff." Something has to give. At this rate I think they have 2 level cap raises max, unless they seriously change something.


Well-Known Member
The level cap is now 100 and i believe that they are done now. It would be dumb to go past that level.


Well-Known Member
Eventually it will be a matter of adding content only, maybe different skills to expand. I don't think they aim to get ridiculous like Candy Crush.


Well-Known Member
When I started my break from WoW over the holidays, I was 90 and a pretty high item level for a casual player (meaning I was personally done with progression, because I had no desire to get more "serious" about the game). Now that the cap is 100 and there are more items and more content, I do feel quite overwhelmed at the idea of coming back to the game. In fact, I feel much more overwhelmed getting BACK into playing and going from 90-100 than I do at the idea of making a new char and starting from scratch.


Active Member
That tedious feeling of leveling is what's bringing WoW more money, now that they offer instant leveling for a fee. I find the leveling ridiculous, and think they should have thought of an alternative to just raising the level cap. It takes way too long to level from 1 - 100 these days, but I'm not willing to pay for a boost! I find the boosting to be a bit unfair actually.​