is the player vs player enjoyable on this game?

Im looking for a new game with meaningful pvp, and ff xiv arr keep getting good reviews but i cant find much about its pvp.

does the game have any crafting? is it important?

how is the game economy, do people buy and sell things, is there a complex market?


Well-Known Member
PVP queues are really bad. Likely if you get 1 pop an hour. This game main focus is PVE and PVP really is an after thought. They do have PVP however the majority of the players here are for PVE reasons.


Well-Known Member
IDK what would happen to the FF franchise if they ever focused on pvp although i remember many months ago they said they would put more effort into pvp.I thought pvp was done mediocre well in ffxi but not in FFXIV or any rpg for that matter.

The complaints i hear are imo not warranted.It seems to me that players in rpg's just want EASY wins,they want to know that if they play a lot they can simply win and be rewarded big time.I really feel pvpr's in rpg's want to be able to have a HUGE advantage over noobs and be rewarded like they just killed the toughest boss in the game.

IMO and i THOUGHT others as well was that pvp was to have FUN.Not so it seems players want a pedestal to be put on,they want to say there is MEANING to pvp.The meaning to pvp should be to have some fun,not grind ranks or grind gear,that is already a brutal part of pve design.

What i don't like in FFXIV is the level 50 or Boss fights for that matter,you are locked into these small instanced circle fights.Well they did the same thing in pvp only they are really cheap looking maps,like took someone maybe 1- 2 days to make.I feel it is no big deal since the majority who play FF games are not there for pvp,but if you are going to go that route,you had better do a decent job of it aside from just copying pvp rank and gear grinds like every game.


Well-Known Member
If your looking for PVP I would go for a game like AA. When I was a PVP player was back in the days of UO and SWG when PVP mattered to the world overall not instanced PVP. Yea instances PVP can be fun like Hutball in SWTOR however it does get old very fast because you are not tipping the balance of a faction in the world. In UO it was if your faction controlled a city they had faction vendors which helped crafters level with selling crafting mats. In SWG a good PVP group could take down a Player built base.

Today outside of AA or old MMOs PVP is no longer really important in MMOs. Yes there are PVP players in MMOs however how many times in WOW did I see they Nerfed Rogues because Rogues could sneak up behind a Mage and when the Mage's CDs were on CD the Rogue jumped them and killed them. Mages all would cry nerf Rogues they are OP. Or Hunters were OP because they could keep a Rogue or Warrior at max range and kill them. No thats PVP and knowing your Role. Today MMOs try to balance around PVP. I prefer PVP not balanced because if a Rogue gets the jump on a Mage the Mage should die. If a Hunter can keep a Warrior at max range and keep the Warrior from striking them the Hunter should win. But too many PVP players today want a Fair Fight. I remember back in the day when my LJ Warrior would own Mage's unless they were poison Mage's.

If you want some good PVE this is the best game on the Market right now. Hard to beat 18+ end game instances.


Well-Known Member
FFXIV;ARR is a great game, but, while it does have PVP in it, its by no means significant, and i wouldn't recommend the game to anyone who was only really interested in PVP.

If in doubt, use a free trial, i would never recommend anyone buy a game and then find out it wasn't for them. I think any game with a box price or whatever, should at least have some kind of demo or free trial available so that people can decide if a game is for them before they spend out on it.


New Member
PVP is split between Frontlines and Wolves' Den. The "actual" competitive PVP players formed their own tight and very small community -- small in comparison to every other game that accomodates PVP. Frontlines is more of a casual point grind if you don't feel like doing dungeons and it's not really "truly" PVP. You are thrown into a mush pit of killing things. Wolves' Den has the most competitive aspect of actual PVP but the community's so small, you would have to be on the Aether datacenter and join a big LS specific to PVP.


Well-Known Member
This is not a PVP focused game, at all. It's there, but the Wolves' Den mode is almost entirely dead. If you don't have a group of people to play it with, you'll be waiting a long time for a queue to pop. The other modes, Frontlines is an 8v8v8 or 24v24v24 mode, which is slightly more alive than the Wolves' Den (There was a new Frontlines map released a week or so ago.) is fun, but that's basically it for PVP. This game is no WoW or GW2 as far as PVP goes.

As for your other questions, yes the game has crafting. The systems involved with crafting are quite fun, at least in my opinion. But outside of making gil, vanity gear, and certain high end pieces of equipment, it's not particularly useful. Making the high end gear is quite expensive and time consuming, and it's much easier for the playerbase to get gear through other methods.


Well-Known Member
You would have to get a group of people for certain parts. Uh Wolves den has been dead because everyone waits until they are at least like level 50 before they raid and do the PVP modes. I have not yet done a PVP, but I may try the frontline thing today though. I have been enjoying the story mode and pony farming haha. I agee with the post above this is no WoW or any other game that focuses entirely on PvP mode.

If you have not tried the game you will like it if you love fighting through trials and dungeons. You can go thorugh a trial mode, but you can't access the PvP content. You can at least get a handle on the game and see what it is all about. Final Fantasy is a great game especially when you join FC's and group together to do different dungeons ext.
I think that the PVP has gotten increasingly better with each new change. I don't do a lot of Wolves Den because there really isn't a lot going on there. Frontlines can be incredibly fun though, especially if you are going in with other people and you can all be talking to each other on Teamspeak (or whatever other voice chat system you have).

As far as crafting: yes! There is a lot of crafting in the game, and depending on how often and how well you can craft, you can make a lot of gil (money) in game. I would suggest leveling Culinarian, people are always buying food and if you craft high level food that people use when they go into the endgame dungeons you will get the people who are buying to head into the dungeons, and sometimes who are taking a break to reload on food and repair gear before heading back in. All of the crafting classes are good for making a little gil though if you are good (and especially if you can make High Quality stuff!)

The game economy is decent. There are Market Boards where you can buy things from other players. Personally I hate using them because it's always so expensive...but those are the prices. If I can make things for myself I will, but sometimes there just isn't enough time before going into a dungeon to gather ingredients and craft. Unless people pre-plan, there is a good chance they will be going to the market board for food and gear. I know that for me personally, our Free Company tries to help each other out with crafting as much as possible. But even with that help I find myself heading to the Market Board to pick up a few things here and there. And it is very easy to throw items on a retainer to sell on the Market Board too. You can make a decent amount of money by selling things, as long as you aren't buying things like crazy!


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree with the reviews above and say that it is really lacking. It takes a long time to get one going and then it can really last a very short times and is subject to all sorts of bugs and changes. I would say that there a host of better options out there, and the main part of this game is really exploring.


PvP in this game wasn't really even a consideration when they though of in Final Fantasy XIV it seems. When it was released, there wasn't any kind of PvP, and was added in a later patch.
When they first added it, it was pretty popular and you'd find a queue pretty quick for it. The downside at the beginning though was the wait time from when you spawned in the area, to actually fighting was a full 60-seconds. Now, this may not seem like too much, but when the matches take less time then the waiting, it can get bothersome.
On top of that, the leveling for PvP was ridiculously slow. You needed to grind sooo much to get to where you can wear the high level PvP gear.

I stopped playing before Heavensword, so I am not sure how it is now, but when I quit it was pretty much the same. They did lower the waiting time once you get in, but no one really PvPs anymore and the ones who do just trade wins.

But overall, if you're looking for an MMO with a strong PvP element, Final Fantasy XIV would not be your game.

Funky Fingers

Active Member
If your looking for PvP, then this game isn't really made for you. The wait is extremely long to play, and I don't find it that fun. Although with each update, the pvp is getting better, I wouldn't suggest it for you.


Well-Known Member
I don't thin k the Final Fantasy franchise is a good example of pvp. It was actually an afterthought in Final Fantasy XI.


Well-Known Member
FF is pretty much boring in the PVP mode. You are better off as a single player with campaigns.