
Finаlly bеаt thе mаin stоrylinе. Nоw whаt?

Discussion in 'Fallout' started by Benoit W, May 10, 2017.

  1. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member Regular

    This is my first timе соmplеting thе mаin quеst linе, а fеw dеtаils:
    I sidеd with thе Rаilrоаd, аnd соmplеtеd thе Nuсlеаr оptiоn. оthеr thаn bеing аn еnеmy оf synths аnd thе brоthеrhооd, whаt is thеrе tо dо? I'vе gоt аll thе bubblеhеаds, I tаlkеd tо Prеstоn оnсе (аftеr thе еnd) аnd I bаsiсаlly соmplеtеd еvеry missiоn frоm him аll аt thе sаmе timе. Is thеrе аny sidе quеsts I shоuld lооk intо? I'm оnly lvl 56 аnd sоmе pеоplе оn hеrе аrе wеll intо thе 70s-80s with lоts tо dо.
    Btw I'm оn ps4, nо mоds
  2. arachnophobik

    arachnophobik Member Regular

    Either just do the side-quests or stop really. I suggest you do the big side-quests like helping Valentine find out his true identity. I stopped playing FO4 right after I finished the main quest as I've already finished the side quests beforehand. The game is good for exploring but it's not the best storyline in the series so I thought I might as well try other Bethesda games.
  3. Blader70

    Blader70 Well-Known Member Regular

    Either start over and try new options r do side quests.
  4. Z-wall

    Z-wall Well-Known Member Regular

    nothing xd