Favourite Hunter Builds?

Discussion in 'SMITE' started by Loopulk, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. Loopulk

    Loopulk New Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    What are your favourite hunter builds? I haven't played in a while and want to get back into it, and I think having some good builds will ease me back into it nicely.

    I remember using some boots to speed me up, this bow (I think) to shock enemies after a couple of attacks, this frost hammer to slow enemies down, an item or two with vampiric, and an item that removes the slowdown when attacking.

    I usually played as Neith and Artemis. Thanks!
  2. KaseyHopeMartin


    Mar 25, 2016
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    I generally go with two attack speed/crit items, a life steal item, crit/damage item, and then one piece of armor that protects from both magic/phys attack. I don't really play seriously enough to really investigate builds, I sort of just go with with the situation I'm in at the moment mostly. If we're losing I tank up a little bit more because I generally play hunters and we're targeted because we're squishy and painful. If we're winning I just go all out atk speed/damage because why not? lol. I'm of course, a filthy casual sooooo... xD
  3. Loopulk

    Loopulk New Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I might consider getting some more defensive items, but I'm usually okay without defenses as Neith because she can just hop backwards and then I can use an item to speed me up and teleport away. The crit items are nice, especially the item that boosts the crit damage multiplier. That and another item to boost the crit rate allows for massive damage and quick kills.

    You're right that playing to the situation is a smarter idea. I just tend to go with a build that I like and stick with it. Unfortunately, that leaves me in a bind sometimes.
  4. ThorEl

    ThorEl Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    My favourite ADC build is the build optimized for attack-speed gods - Devourer's Gauntlets, Warrior Tabi, Ichival (?), Executioner (Although titan's bane has become more popular recently), into Rage and Deathbringer before replacing Ichival with Hastened Fatalus. Recently builds involving Qin's have eclipsed this in popularity, especially when considering gods who build Transcendence over Devourer's Gauntlet, which I think is a shame.
  5. Hoppit

    Hoppit Member

    May 2, 2016
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    The traditional builds go something like this: Start with T2 Transcendence + 3 of both pots->finish Trans->boots->Soul Eater->Executioner->Rage->Deathbringer->sell Transcendence for Malice

    Start with Death's Toll and T1 Devourer's Gauntlet->finish Dev Gloves->boots->Ichaival->Executioner->Rage->Deathbringer->sell Ichaival for Malice or Odysseys Bow

    Don't build Bloodforge, it's garbage. On the Dev Gloves build you can also start with Death's Toll, T1 boots and potions, finish boots, get Soul Eater and continue from Ichaival.

    Build 1 is for ability heavy hunters like Xbal, Ullr, Hou Yi, Neith, Medusa etcetera. The 2nd one is for more auto attack based gods like Apollo, Rama, Anhur etc.
  6. FergusMacLeod

    FergusMacLeod Active Member

    Jun 16, 2017
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    I mostly play Xbalanque and my favorite build for him is: Ninja Tabi, Transcendence, Hastened Fatalis, Wind Demon/Malice, Deathbringer and Executioner. Sometimes I take Ichaival or Devourer's Gauntlet, on Anhur for example.