
Fallout New Vegas: Suitable Gear To Fight A Deathclaw

Discussion in 'Fallout' started by LadyLotus, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. LadyLotus

    LadyLotus Member Regular

    As you may know, to get to New Vegas to do the main story line you are going to run in to Deathclaws. They are a real pain. I know you can buy DLC, which is what I resorted too. I figure the other way is to go to Good Springs AFTER you finish every quest there. Then off to Doc Mitchell's house, maybe for a plasma pistol. I know you can steal that. I still need to figure out how to get good gear, I have the gun, but will die in a few hits without the gear. How do I get good gear for fighting a deathclaw?