Fallout 4: This year or next?


Well-Known Member
The reveal website and trailer didn't list a release date as far as I know, and that announcement is coming on June 14 with the next reveal. I'm hopeful we'll get it this year, but I'm assuming the game isn't coming out until next year. What do you think?
I think the game will be coming out next year. I mean, if the release date wasn't placed in the initial trailer, I don't think it'll be that soon. As all gamers are, we are all hopeful that the release is sooner than later. But who knows?
You're probably right. A Fall release would seem too soon, especially since the teaser trailer didn't include actual gameplay, though we'll see that on the 14th hopefully.
I think Fallout will come out either by the end of this year (November or December) or possibly early 2016 (February-May). I don't really care as long as Bethesda creates a lot of new content and fixes most of the bugs before they release it.
Speaking of bugs, that's the one thing I'm worried about. Games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls are notorious for having bugs that simply shouldn't exist with enough play testing. If that happens with FO4, I'm going to be pretty angry as a gamer. I'll still play the game, but here's to hoping that Bethesda does the right thing and tests the darn game thoroughly!
Speaking of bugs, that's the one thing I'm worried about. Games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls are notorious for having bugs that simply shouldn't exist with enough play testing. If that happens with FO4, I'm going to be pretty angry as a gamer. I'll still play the game, but here's to hoping that Bethesda does the right thing and tests the darn game thoroughly!

Hopefully the game will be released this year. Even if it's riddled with bugs, at least we'll have the game. Regarding bugs though, aside from the random glitch here and there(that has made me compulsively save every minute or so), I've never encountered a game-breaking bug in their games, even though many people seem to always have such issues. Did you play their games on console or PC?
I think it'll be released this fall, but if not, I'm certain it will be by next spring. It's been 5 years since the last Fallout game, and 7 since Fallout 3, so I can't imagine them waiting until fall 2016 to release it.

What I've got my fingers crossed for is VR headset support. Exploring a post-apocalyptic wasteland in virtual reality would be insane.
I concur with many of the other posters here. I imagine that Fallout 4 will be released this year. It makes sense, and based off a tweet from Bethesda that said they wanted to show "Everything." I'd imagine the game is fairly far along in terms of development. Either way I imagine that E3 will give us plenty of information on the subject. All of us will be excitedly waiting for the information, and I'd place my money on a released date this year, but it's possible that's in earnest because I want Fallout 4 to come sooner rather than later. I'm a huge fallout fan, haha. I guess we wait and see when they announce the official release date for.
simply shouldn't exist with enough play testing. If that happens with FO4, I'm going to be pretty angry as a gamer. I'll still play the game, but here's to hoping that Bethesda does the right thing and tests the darn game thoroughly!

This statement annoys me. If you're a software developer, you would know what I mean and no, a business application developer isn't the same thing.

1. There is NO such thing as 'enough play testing'. How much is "enough" exactly? 2 hours every day? 10 hours every day? 24 hours every day? Also how many days? 30 days? 60? 180? 300? Through how many testers? 10? 20? 100? 1000?

2. Every single piece of software that is more complicated than Pong had bugs. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Name me one game that was published in the last thirty years that is more complicated than Solitaire, Tic-Tac-Toe and Mine Sweeper that did NOT have a single bug. Name me one AAA title that was released since the beginning of time that did not have a single bug. I bet you cannot.

3. Humans will make mistakes. That's a given, but what many gamers don't realize and I read this all of the damn time, is that there are tons of layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of code that tie into one giant infrastructure that make up the entirety of a game. To 'play test the game thoroughly so that no bugs exist at launch' is a fantasy that no developer can ever undertake. NO DEVELOPER EVER.

I am passionate about this because gamers expect a godly miracle to happen with AAA titles, yet is ignorant of the fact that it is impossible to do what they're demanding.

The day an AAA game launches 100% bug free, is the day humans have created a super computer that its sole purpose is to play the game as if millions of gamers are testing it to death, using incredibly complicated testing algorithms that no human being can ever do. Here's the thing: what developer is willing to invest in a billion dollar machine to do that?
I think we will see Fallout 4 in 2016. They recently stated that game will be available as soon as November, this year, but I highly doubt that. The scope and mechanics they put into this game is astounding, and I think it needs way more polish then just a few months. Also, for those of you who think the game will be bugged. Bethesda has a track record of delivering bug free content. So don`t worry about that.
I think we will see Fallout 4 in 2016. They recently stated that game will be available as soon as November, this year, but I highly doubt that. The scope and mechanics they put into this game is astounding, and I think it needs way more polish then just a few months. Also, for those of you who think the game will be bugged. Bethesda has a track record of delivering bug free content. So don`t worry about that.

Do you reckon they'll delay it? First E3 conference to announce the release of the game, I think they'll stick to it and patch any glaring bugs early on. Bethesda are pretty well known for keeping things under wraps until a few months before release, with Skyrim it was out in around the same timeframe as FO4 is slated to.
Do you reckon they'll delay it? First E3 conference to announce the release of the game, I think they'll stick to it and patch any glaring bugs early on. Bethesda are pretty well known for keeping things under wraps until a few months before release, with Skyrim it was out in around the same timeframe as FO4 is slated to.

You might be right. Skyrim also had a November release. I can`t wait to play the game, don`t get me wrong, it is just that I hope they will manage to deliver a bug free product in these short months until release date. I would hate it if the same thing happens to Fallout 4 as it did to Batman: Arkham Knight PC version.
I believe it will be released the next year because if they would have planned to get it out before the end of this year they wouldn't have released the trailer in June for sure. Also as far as I am concerned they have still to develope some aspect of the game so..
You might be right. Skyrim also had a November release. I can`t wait to play the game, don`t get me wrong, it is just that I hope they will manage to deliver a bug free product in these short months until release date. I would hate it if the same thing happens to Fallout 4 as it did to Batman: Arkham Knight PC version.

Yeah you've got a point there. Bethesda is notorious for its bugs even years after release. I'm just going to be praying for them to break the cycle.
This statement annoys me. If you're a software developer, you would know what I mean and no, a business application developer isn't the same thing.

1. There is NO such thing as 'enough play testing'. How much is "enough" exactly? 2 hours every day? 10 hours every day? 24 hours every day? Also how many days? 30 days? 60? 180? 300? Through how many testers? 10? 20? 100? 1000?

2. Every single piece of software that is more complicated than Pong had bugs. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Name me one game that was published in the last thirty years that is more complicated than Solitaire, Tic-Tac-Toe and Mine Sweeper that did NOT have a single bug. Name me one AAA title that was released since the beginning of time that did not have a single bug. I bet you cannot.

3. Humans will make mistakes. That's a given, but what many gamers don't realize and I read this all of the damn time, is that there are tons of layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of code that tie into one giant infrastructure that make up the entirety of a game. To 'play test the game thoroughly so that no bugs exist at launch' is a fantasy that no developer can ever undertake. NO DEVELOPER EVER.

I am passionate about this because gamers expect a godly miracle to happen with AAA titles, yet is ignorant of the fact that it is impossible to do what they're demanding.

The day an AAA game launches 100% bug free, is the day humans have created a super computer that its sole purpose is to play the game as if millions of gamers are testing it to death, using incredibly complicated testing algorithms that no human being can ever do. Here's the thing: what developer is willing to invest in a billion dollar machine to do that?

I think you jumped to a conclusion that you shouldn't have. I understand the process intimately. I'm talking about game-breaking bugs that you would absolutely encounter with play testing. Bugs that appear during normal conditions and frequent conditions of playing the game. So you went on a tirade over the wrong subject. Nice. :)
Yeah you've got a point there. Bethesda is notorious for its bugs even years after release. I'm just going to be praying for them to break the cycle.

The one nice thing about Bethesda is that its games are easy enough to mod. Community members are even expected to fix some of the bugs or general dislikes about the games by themselves. There's nothing wrong with that, especially for minor bugs that only a small number of people care about.
I think they will release the game the end of this year or next year. I wish the game will have only few bugs and to be optimized game unlike what happened to Batman: Arkham Knight.
The one nice thing about Bethesda is that its games are easy enough to mod. Community members are even expected to fix some of the bugs or general dislikes about the games by themselves. There's nothing wrong with that, especially for minor bugs that only a small number of people care about.

Yeah and with the console players able to download mods in the future, any glaring ones left over can be fixed by anyone.
This year, and very soon, in fact. 11.11.15. if I remember correctly. It's funny, because Skyrim came out on 11.11.11. and that's actually what they wrote on their trailer for it. I can't wait for Fallout 4 to come out, and I am very hyped about it. I'm playing Fallout 3 right now and I'm doing every quest and everything I find, I have almost 10,000 caps right now. I don't even know what to do with them. Who's gonna pre-order the game or get it at day 1 here?