Do you help new players?


When it comes to warcraft, there's quite a bit of new players popping up. Do any of you help these players out if they ask for help? Or do you just not bother with them? I have helped some people out, but so many people ask for help so I've since stopped. What about you?


Well-Known Member
I don't play WoW however in other online games I do like to sometimes help out the new guys. It's a great way to get new friends in-game.


Active Member
I've quit wow, some time ago - but I've always helped the new players, either it's giving them gold or helping them with quests, I always helped. Especially guildies - and guild alts. :)


Well-Known Member
I am usually the type of person to gank noobs when I am bored :D , but I do like to run new players through instances if they are really nice and mature. I generally find that there are a lot of newbies who are immature and will quit the game with any little annoyance so I really don't care about their success in the game.


Well-Known Member
I would if someone specifically asks although that hasn't happened all that much, I guess it would if you played on one of the "New player" realms a bit more?


Active Member
Yes, I tried to pay it forward since when we first played, there was guy who ran us to deadmines and gave us bags. I would even give suggestion to what class they should try instead. I always feel that rogue and warrior are probably one of the class most new people would struggle with if they were never a gamer. I HATE running people to dungeons. My husband made me run him to Stockyard over and over till I FELL ASLEEP. I am not kidding. I leveled the fastest among him and friends and stuck at running them to dungeons and the worst is, they leveled so many characters,so I had to run their alts too! So I got mad one time and said no. The most I'd do with newbie would be to buy them bags,I think bags are so helpful when you start playing. And in populated server, they can be pretty expensive especially a 24 slots one.

I don't like that type of new player who rely on you. Too scared to do anything else without you and too lazy to queue dungeons. I try to avoid them.


Well-Known Member
I hate to admit it, but I am not fro helping newbies. I have never helped anyone in the game. Actually, I am a bad guy in Day shooting my own allies.

Kevin Valerio

Active Member
Whenever I've seen a new player being ganked by someone from my opposite alliance and higher level than them, I always do my best to help them out. If only attacking the enemy and dying to allow them a chance to escape. Beyond that though, I've never really helped new players except for one time I gave one 1k gold.

Fighter X

It's kind of a bother to help noobs out. I think it's pretty easy to get started anyways, so why would they need my help anyways? I can understand it maybe hard for some, but I didn't have help from a veteran player. If you want to help, that's cool, but I think I'll stick to just playing the way I play and not worry about someone slowing me down.
I usually help them out. It helps to get on the good side of some lower level players in your guild. I was never one to play a crazy amount, so many times those players would pass me up and end up helping me out later.


Well-Known Member
Lol I never help new players, because I'm busy farming hordes and honorable kills in battlegrounds. I find it a waste of time to help newcomers. Just my two cents.


I always helped newcomers in every MMOs I played.
My now ex GF (which played with me) used to get annoyed at me for always going out of my way to help random strangers and was saying I'm way too nice for my own good.
I don't know why but I always enjoyed helping random people, I'd offer them to run them through dungeons, or give them items and just generally being helpful however I could.


Active Member
I always help. I don't do it for any other reason, but that when I was new random people helped me as well and thought me stuff about the game itself and so on. It doesn't take that much time and/or resources but it still makes somebody's day a lot better and they'll most likely be very grateful to you in the future.


Active Member
Sometimes I help new players.

Really it depends on their attitude, if I see a new player ask me a question I'll answer it and give them some gold to help them out. If they start begging me for something though I'm not gonna help. I like helping someone out who's just starting but they basically need to be nice.


Well-Known Member
If I don't have something better to do I usually help newbies.
This is mainly because I remember when I started playing that one high level guy helped me and even gave some gold.


I will help new players if they are truly new. The people who stand around in a low level dungeon in their heirlooms, dont participate, and then complain when we are fast enough/they dont get the loot they want because they are "new" infuriate me. You are not new, you know how the dungeon works, do your part and help or dont complain when you get left behind.

A truly new player however I have been known to give bags and starting gold to. Even if they only use the gold to buy a mini pet travel companion, it still makes me happy.
All the time, I've been playing since vanilla and love helping new people find their feet in the game. It's difficult to get used to a mmo - especially if you have never played one before. Luckily when I was first starting out I had a couple of friends that played in my server and they helped me come to term with the mechanics and swept me up into a raiding guild when I hit 60 in vanilla.


Active Member
If they are not asking for free money or something stupid I usually help them if I have nothing better to do. A few players helped me when I started so I think is the decent thing to do.


Unless I have something that I'm doing at the time, I do try to help out new people. In fact, I think it can be a lot of fun to show off to the new players sometimes. It's nice when they are like "Wow, you killed that with one shot!"


Well-Known Member
Uh, I've never had the patience to deal with the newer generations of players, not because I disliked them or had a problem with them, just that I felt like the skill and experience gap was so far wide out, it was like I was dealing with kids while I am an adult, for lack of a better analogy. I had a few times where I was kind to them by means of gold and gifts, but actually playing with them was tedious.