
Choose Your Own Adventure books

Discussion in 'General RPG Discussion' started by kelemenur, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. kelemenur

    kelemenur Active Member

    Anyone still remember these gems? They were awesome back in the day, I've played through a lot of them. Some author made his publicly available on his website, here's the link if anyone's interested. (http://www.projectaon.org/en/Main/Home)Just for nostalgia I picked up and played through a few, and had a blast. ^^
  2. lindbergh

    lindbergh Well-Known Member Regular

    I have never played these types of games when I was young. But I have one installed in my Android. All I do is read through tons of text and then choose from some alternative It's like an interactive book. I never got into it.
  3. casiolol

    casiolol Well-Known Member

    I used to read these books at the local library all the time. I didn't know there were actual games based on the theme with a web site to boot! Thanks for posting that, I just clicked it and will check it out. Am I the only one who would flip to the page of the choice I made then go back and flip to the other pages of the other choices just to see what would happen if I had made a different decision?
  4. Eva

    Eva Active Member

    I had a quick phase with them when I was younger, but I much preferred picking up my controller and playing an actual game. Even though I was a fan of fantasy novels, I never really got into the Choose Your Own Adventure Books.
  5. RMCMage

    RMCMage Well-Known Member

    I never tried adventure books, I felt like I have been missing out because I have a few friends that read them and they love them, but I just can't seem to get into it.
  6. casiolol

    casiolol Well-Known Member

    Yes, you are missing out. My local library still carries these style of books. See if yours does too. That way you can experience the genre for free. I just went to check out a few of these books this past weekend in order to attempt to re-live my childhood!
  7. esoterism

    esoterism New Member

    The only choose-your-own adventure book I ever tried was one based on LOTR where you were an archer defending Rohan (I think). I enjoyed it so much! I found it at my school library and came back and asked for more... turns out I was the first one to check that book out for at least 5 years, and they stopped carrying those styles of books. I was heartbroken.
  8. BroknKyboard

    BroknKyboard Well-Known Member

    I really liked choose your own adventure books or as I like to call them 'use your finger as a place-holder so you can backtrack' books!
  9. Rice

    Rice Active Member

    You really are missing out if you hadn't read any during your childhood. My local library had a number of them. Though, that's a good nickname for those type of books, and I get what you mean. I probably had ran into a bad ending a number of times, honestly. Nothing like undoing your mistakes and cheating.

    I do believe I read a larger share of actual novels instead though, but it was a refreshing break from a typical novel.

    In terms of actual video games, in a sense I guess I still play them today in forms of visual novels, such as Nine Hours, Nine Doors, Nine Persons, Ever 17, and Virtue's Last Reward, which does have routes similar to a adventure novel.