Can anything compete with World of Warcraft?


I'm a fan of World of Warcraft and I can't see anything truly competing with it. What games could be a threat towards WoW? I ask because one day WoW will be done and I would like to have backups if possible.


ESO will be the WoW killer, I think. Bethesda certainly has the resources to give them a run for their money, and they do tend to allow their friends more freedom and choice in how they play their game. Blizzard are a terrible company by comparison.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, from my opinion, I think all RPG's will compete with WOW, and they do now. Otherwise, why would everybody else be moving away from WOW and going to the f2p's. I think all games now are very similar and many are just like WOW (such as Runes of Magic) so I think really you could play any game. Depending on if you have been paying for a while, maybe you only think nothing else can compete because of your nostalgia and fondness for the game? If that's the case then nothing will be able to compare to it.


I agree with drkn335. Most of the games mentioned on this forum are in competition with WoW because they're similar style games. Some I'd say are even better in some ways, especially with many of the games being free-2-play, that doesn't help WoW out at all.

I also agree with Hemingway because ESO has the best potential to compete with ESO, even though both games are quite different in many ways.
I feel like we're coming on the first time in a decade where someone else has to ability to overtake WoW. Elder Scrolls has the name and reputation to do it (or at least dig into WoW's 51% market share). Ultimately the thing that will kill WoW is Blizzard. They're going to have to move on soon and their next MMO will decide if Blizzard can maintain dominance.


Well-Known Member
I'm a fan of World of Warcraft and I can't see anything truly competing with it. What games could be a threat towards WoW? I ask because one day WoW will be done and I would like to have backups if possible.

Three letters, ESO. I know WoW has dominated the MMORPG scene for a really long time and I give the game credit for that. However, with all the hype surrounding ESO, I have a really strong feeling that when it comes out next year, WoW will be remembered as the MMORPG of yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Three letters, ESO. I know WoW has dominated the MMORPG scene for a really long time and I give the game credit for that. However, with all the hype surrounding ESO, I have a really strong feeling that when it comes out next year, WoW will be remembered as the MMORPG of yesterday.

I agree personally I think WoW is way overrated, but ESO will defiantly make WoW step up their game.


Well-Known Member
ESO will end it, once and for all. There will never be a "replacement" for WoW and people that find themselves missing the game will probably join private servers.


Well-Known Member
There's nothing that can compete with WoW. I think that the subscription numbers will slowly decline but it's going to be a long time before Blizzard ever shuts the servers down. There's never going to be another subscription based MMO that gets the kind of numbers WoW did.


Well-Known Member
Every new game that gets released today competes with WoW because WoW is seeing a decline in users. Some games are already catching up with WoW. World of Tanks for example is a game that is played by a lot of users and it seems to increase.


Well-Known Member
Elder Scrolls and Everquest will definitely do some damage but it will probably not surpase WoW. It will take years before WoW will completely die out.


Well-Known Member
I'm a fan of World of Warcraft and I can't see anything truly competing with it. What games could be a threat towards WoW? I ask because one day WoW will be done and I would like to have backups if possible.

ESO is a WoW killer, it has the resources and money not to mention the fact that Bethesda actually let the players play the game in any manner they wish whereas that Blizzard seem to run their game in tracks, and they don't allow you as much freedom.


Well-Known Member
ESO will be the WoW killer, I think. Bethesda certainly has the resources to give them a run for their money, and they do tend to allow their friends more freedom and choice in how they play their game. Blizzard are a terrible company by comparison.

I'm not sure about this. A lot of people that I know that've played the beta aren't happy with it.


Well-Known Member
I don't think there are many that could, the ones that in my own opinion rival if not beat WoW are World of Planes and Planetside 2.


Active Member
"ESO will be the end of WoW"

Just like Guild Wars 2 killed WoW.
Just like Tera killed WoW.
Just like Star Wars: The Old Republic killed wow.
Just like Rift killed WoW.
Just like Aion killed WoW.
Oh... wait...

This is deja vu all over again. ESO has no greater chance of killing WoW than the previous five "WoW killers" did.


Well-Known Member
Nothing has killed WoW and nothing will except for WoW itself, that said just like GW2, SWTOR and Rift/Aion etc., other MMOs will take away a small segment of the player base from WoW. Although WoW obviously has the chance to get them back.


Well-Known Member
I think you saying nothing will ever kill WoW is a bit of a big statement, no one knows what will kill Wow or if it will indeed be killed, I am of the opinion that although it has gotten boring for me to play, it doesn't mean that other people won't want to play it at a later date, mind you the pace technology is going at it could very easily be that a game comes out that beats every other MMORPG that has ever existed.


Active Member
"ESO will be the end of WoW"

Just like Guild Wars 2 killed WoW.
Just like Tera killed WoW.
Just like Star Wars: The Old Republic killed wow.
Just like Rift killed WoW.
Just like Aion killed WoW.
Oh... wait...

This is deja vu all over again. ESO has no greater chance of killing WoW than the previous five "WoW killers" did.

You are so right about all of this. Everyone thought Guild Wars 2 killed WoW but it didn't, now everyone thinks ESO will kill WoW but it won't.


Well-Known Member
WoW can only kill itself by producing bad expansion. Still this year there is another major MMORPG that is coming out. Wildstar has been in the making for several years now and the game is really good. I expect to rival WoW though if the new WoW expansion turns out to be good WoW will continue to dominate the MMORPG scene.
Btw ESO is freaking horrible I don't know what people like about that game...
I don't even understand why people mention ESO when there are a lot better games coming out this year like EverQuest and Wildstar... ESO is a disgrace IMHO. Won't bother even trying it out.