
Assassin or fighter?

Discussion in 'Skyrim' started by stupidshashlmao, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Now I know this question is older than Skyrim itself, maybe even older than the stormcloaks vs imperials one.
    But I just wanr to know your opinion about it.
    Is it better to be an assasin who silently slices his enemie's throats and is almost never hit, or a fearsome warrior who charges right through the main entrance and smashes everybody's skulls, taking a thousand arrows to the knee and still be and adventurer?
  2. Oblivious

    Oblivious Well-Known Member Regular

    There's no "better" approach I think. Each person has their preference on how to play.

    I almost always prefer the stealthy, silent assassin type. Of course if your stealth fails, you usually have to find a different, not quite so flattering way to deal with/escape from your enemies. :p The bow worked perfectly in Skyrim, after many levels and perks, you one-shot most enemies while sneaking.

    I don't like "tank" builds at all, I have an aversion to two-handed weapons and heavy armor. It's just not fun to me. I may playing that way for a while to see how they feel but I give up pretty easily.
  3. tarverten

    tarverten Well-Known Member

    Firstly, the Stormcloaks vs. Imperials question is not older than Skyrim itself because without TES V: Skyrim, there would be no Stormcloaks vs. Imperials question.

    Anyway, the clear cut answer to your question is whichever one you like more. That's the glory of Skyrim! You can play whatever kind of character you want.
  4. blastguardgear

    blastguardgear Well-Known Member

    I prefer to be sneaky in Skyrim though, it is a little more interesting to methan going in and just meleeing enemies to death in heavy armor.
  5. shadowsupernature

    shadowsupernature Active Member

    sneaking up and getting dat sweet 54378x bonus for one hitting everything
    or rushing in without a care smashing up the whole place surrounded by enemies...

    why not have a character for each....

    or one that does BOTH :O

    I love both.
  6. thepieeatingjay

    thepieeatingjay Well-Known Member

    I prefer sneaking, myself. Not because I am a sneaky person irl. I just love using the crossbow and it's more fun to take out an enemy whom is completely unawares.
    If I make a male character, he is usually more melee.
  7. Totalarmordestine

    Totalarmordestine Well-Known Member

    Neither. Mages rule. :p The best of all though would be a combination mage/warrior/sneaky person. Which just happens to be my favorite build. lol
    But that's the great thing about Skyrim. You can choose to play a combination of classes or just one. So I also have to agree its personal preference, in the end.
  8. niiro17

    niiro17 Well-Known Member Regular

    I prefer to be the Fighter, sometimes I tried to sneak to the enemies but I have no patience on this game.
  9. theGIJST

    theGIJST Well-Known Member Regular

    Assassin! I have loved playing an assassin type of character since Oblivion. I loved it! I loved sneaking around, getting sneak kills with bows and daggers, and generally being un-detected. I remember one time, when I was doing a Dark Brotherhood mission and I was sneaking around in the sewers where you start the game, my heart was actually pounding because that's how immersed I was. I didn't want the guard to find me, that's how committed I was.

    In Skyrim, I played a fighter character at first, but then switched it up a little bit and made him an assassin in heavy armor. Skyrim's Dark brotherhood was a huge disappointment, but it was alright. However, I loved the dagger throat-slice animation when you sneak up on someone from behind, it's so satisfactory, and especially with the x15 bonus with the perk.
  10. Kitty Reeves

    Kitty Reeves Iron Hand in a Velvet Glove Regular

    I prefer sneaking so much more, but I'm sort of bad at it, so I always end up as a fighter, whoops. I'm planning on doing a completely sneaking playthrough though.
  11. SereneAngel88

    SereneAngel88 Well-Known Member Regular

    I like being a sneaky mage that tends to hit people with rune spells and snickering when the npcs are running around confused while I'm hiding in the shadows laughing to myself. The only time I'm a tank is when I'm traveling on the open road and idiots try to attack me because of some silly bounty on my head...
  12. Chris_A

    Chris_A Well-Known Member Regular

    I think in Skyrim it does not really matter what class you are. You can become a Jack-Of-All-Trades by the end of the game anyway, so why choose a class?
  13. Zarentu

    Zarentu Active Member

    For me personally I am always the Warrior type that charges into battle yelling Odin's name, but for others they might want to sneak around and take out targets without making a sound. I mean if I am going to die, I want everyone to talk about it afterward "Yeah he came at me with a double edged battle axe, I almost peed my pants!" Rather than playing the mysterious Assassin.
  14. iCaliBri

    iCaliBri Member

    I would honestly prefer being in a heavy armour and charging through castle gates with a big sword in my hand. I wish we could bring multiple followers instead of just one. That would certainly be awesome!
  15. Zimbitt

    Zimbitt Well-Known Member Regular

    Assasin, no need to waste my time fighting when I can just pick them off from a distance or slice em in the back when they aren't looking.
  16. niightwind

    niightwind Well-Known Member

    Well, neither one is "better" necessarily, it just comes down to which the player prefers. The entirety of all Skyrim fans are never going to all agree on whether assassin or fighter is better because it is a matter of opinion.

    Personally though, I find sneaking boring. In any game, I prefer to just rush right in there, beat the heck out of them and risk taking a few hits, without a care about getting it done swiftly and silently. I know it isn't the most productive method, but it sure is fun. And that's the main reason I play games after all; to enjoy myself and have a good time with what I'm doing. I do some sneaky sneakin' ever once in a while in games just to mix it up, but if I did it all the time I'd just get bored and even frustrated with it, and when I get to that point with a game I tend to just give up on it completely. I don't want to give up on Skyrim over frustration.
  17. MoneyFiend

    MoneyFiend Member

    Usually I play Skyrim on the legendary difficulty due to an appeal for challenging situations over simple hack and slash. This causes the "Tank" approach in combat to not be as rewarding as expected. The result from this is naturally stealthy tactics for any advantage over the enemy.
  18. grinder

    grinder Well-Known Member

    I've always been with the assasin. This latter one has an incredibly DPS at its potential that literally outclass the one of the fighter in my opinion.
  19. Tanis

    Tanis Active Member Regular

    I like my fights involving me not getting hit and killing the enemy first. Most of my characters inexplicably become sneak archers over time - it's a little annoying. I will say that head on fighting styles are much faster paced and make the whole game go a bit faster than crouch-walking everywhere in sneak, but I find Skyrim's melee combat to be really meh. Block-smack-block doesn't make for a very fun game. I think sneak styles are more stimulating.
  20. GlacialDoom

    GlacialDoom Well-Known Member Regular

    While I usually go for an in-your-face fighter, as it doesn't require as much planning as it does mashing the mouse buttons, I found that an assassin is way more engaging and fun to play as.