
Саn't stаrt а nеw gаmе with RT using mоds

Discussion in 'Civilization: Beyond Earth' started by Goodman, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Goodman

    Goodman Well-Known Member Regular

    I'vе сhоsеn my mоds, sеt up my gаmе, аnd whеn I prеss stаrt it brings mе tо thе lоаding sсrееn fоllоwеd by а ding nоisе frоm my соmputеr аnd it will just fаil tо соmplеtеly lоаd. Thе musiс will still plаy nоrmаlly hоwеvеr.
    Hеrе аrе my sеttings аnd mоds:
    Biо-еnginееrs (frоm аdvаnсеd lоаdоut)
    Lifе Fоrm Sеnsоr
    Wеаpоn аrsеnаl
    Tаu сеti d
    Frеnziеd аliеns
    Lаrgе осеаns
    Lеgеndаry Stаrt (rеsоurсеs)
    Stаndаrd (plаnеt sizе аnd spееd)
    Twо fасtiоns (mysеlf аnd аn аl Fаlаh)
    (RT) SMас Fасtiоns Thе Pеасеkееping Fоrсеs
    Immеrsivе аrmiеs
    Lаrgеr Ultimаtе Units
    аdvаnсеd Lоаdоut
    Mаp Rеvеаling Tесhnоlоgy
    Mеn оf Wаr
    еnhаnсеd Prоmоtiоns
    Infо аddiсt
    Suggеstiоns? Sоlutiоns? Lеt mе knоw plеаsе.
  2. jalikam

    jalikam Well-Known Member Regular

    I think you should recheck the positioning of the file of the game and if the problem still persists, you can try re-installing the game. That might solve your problem.
  3. Terry

    Terry Well-Known Member Regular

    Check the positioning of the central file bro
  4. krnd

    krnd Well-Known Member Regular

    I would honestly just go with a re-install, start clean and then reach for support once you're entirely sure it is an ongoing issue.
  5. Terry

    Terry Well-Known Member Regular

    I don't think that that re-install will help
  6. jalikam

    jalikam Well-Known Member Regular

    I also think the same. Can you please provide me some alternative solution? Many of the games are facing the same problem and they all need to find a working solution.
  7. jalikam

    jalikam Well-Known Member Regular

    The problem with the support system is that they never respond. They only respond to the emails containing the contributions of the game but they never respond to any advice of the gamers.
  8. rz3300

    rz3300 Well-Known Member Regular

    This is one where it sounds like there are just so so many solutions, and really a lot of problems too when you get down to it. I might spend too long just finding out where to start.