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League of Legends Devs Next Title Revealed?

by on November 9, 2018

Is Riot Games going to make something more than League of Legends? When can we get a hint of it?

Despite being called “Riot Games”, the dev only has one title, League of Legends. Granted, it’s one of the most popular games in the world, but it’s still only one game. That could change though, for a bunch of trademarks under the name “Legends of Runterra” has been discovered as attached to Riot Games.

For those are familiar, Runterra is a place in the LOL universe, and thus leading to speculations that this is a spinoff of the game. Some even speculate an MMORPG, not unlike what Warcraft/World of Warcraft did.

No confirmation from the team as of yet of this.

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