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Fallout 4 Wasn’t Originally Set In Boston

by on June 7, 2018

Was Fallout 4 always the way it was? What other locations does Bethesda have in mind for games?

Bethesda puts a lot of work into their titles, and in the case of their Fallout games, they look over every detail to make sure that not only it fits the universe, but it doesn’t pin them into a corner. A documentary on Bethesda has revealed some interesting things about their games, including Fallout 4 and Fallout: New Vegas.

In terms of the former, the game wasn’t originally set in Boston, but rather, New York, though this was very early on in the process apparently. This was revealed by Design Director Emil Pagliarulo, who also noted that the team were floating many other ideas around for the game other than New York. Eventually, they settled on Boston, which was a big plus for Pagliarulo because he was from there, and was able to contribute real-life knowledge to the game’s design.

As for Fallout: New Vegas, the team at Bethesda actually had to change a line about San Francisco being wiped off the face of the Earth because they wanted to keep it open as an option for a future title. And with Fallout 76 not having a confirmed destination yet, it could be set there.

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