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Aztecs Come With Pre-Order of Civilization VI

by on July 30, 2016

A post on the Civilization site has revealed a very special pre-order bonus for those who purchase Civilization VI early:

“Starting today, those who pre-order Civilization VI will exclusively gain early access* to the Aztec civ, led by Montezuma I, when the game launches on October 21, 2016. After 90 days, this content will unlock for all Civilization VI players at no additional charge.”

They also outlined the unique units that would come with the Aztec Empire:


Within the Aztec army existed two classes of elite infantry: the Jaguar Warriors and the Eagle Warriors. Eagle Warriors were comprised of the bravest young men of noble birth who had managed to take the most prisoners in battle. Only after taking 20 prisoners intact enough to serve as human sacrifice could a young man be considered for Eagle Warrior status.”


When Aztecs weren’t waging war, capturing prisoners and sacrificing them to the gods, they often enjoyed a bit of sport. The Tlachtli, a ball court shaped like a capital I, was home to many games, including one particular game similar to basketball in which the goal is to place a ball through the opposition’s stone hoop; however, in the Aztec version, you can’t use your hands.”


Otherwise known as the Greater Temple of the Aztecs, the Huey Teocalli is a giant terraced pyramid leading up to a temple where some of the most important Aztec rituals were performed. Unfortunately, there is very little left of the Huey Teocalli today, save for some scattered ruins in the Zocalo main square of Mexico City’s downtown district.”

Civilization VI arrives October 21st, 2016.

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