Fortuna Will we see a non-browser version in the future?

Discussion in 'General MMORPG Discussion' started by Meridia, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Meridia

    Meridia Active Member

    Aug 15, 2013
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    This is not a big problem for me, so if it happens or not, I'll survive. But I know people who still use the likes of Internet Explorer and will never switch over to Chrome or Firefox. So, for those poor saps, will they release a non-browser version of Fortuna? I doubt it, but if this games popularity increases, wouldn't they have to end up adding that support down the road?
  2. Zombie Lad

    Zombie Lad Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2013
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    It's possible I suppose, but I doubt it. I would welcome it because I'm not a fan of browser based games either. I will say, that in the future, more games will be playable through browsers anyways. Much like cloud gaming.