Why new MMO's fail?

Discussion in 'Wildstar' started by Bubblebee, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Bubblebee

    Bubblebee Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2013
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    If you don't agree, that's fine, this is from my point of view: Weak points, I'm talking about power leveling...mob tag, huge xp gain. glitches in the game: get to max level fast, no end game, people rush to max level (nothing to do next) they quit, keeping the players busy in game- makes them not to quit, experience new things in game, DEV's need to study other mmo's and see why the game failed- find weak points, push the game to the next level, bring new idea's, (some people say, I'm here to play the game , i don't care about the gear look etc, I totally disagree with that- to obtain a good gear in game, you need to put good amount of time- which means when other players look at you, they know, how much time you dumped. sweet looking armor, nice weapons, etc... you stand out from the crowd
  2. redmoon

    redmoon Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2013
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    Actually it didnt fail...
  3. SwordHungry

    SwordHungry Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2013
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    Marketing and monetizing new MMORPG's is extremely hard with the competition and already established games like WOW dominating the market. It's almost near impossible to create something unique now...
  4. Deceba

    Deceba New Member

    Aug 8, 2013
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    Yeah... I agree that it is very difficult to create something unique in the MMORPG niche nowadays... And even if there are people out there with original ideas for new games, they don't have the money to make the games and to market them.

    As for Wildstar being a failure - I do not agree with that statement. Sure, it may not be as popular as a lot of other MMORPGs but there are other worse games out there... :cool:
  5. SwordHungry

    SwordHungry Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2013
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    Agree with the latter of the post. Not sure why it's in the Wildstar section, I really like the game. I've been through a fair share of MMORG's, and there are a lot worse one's out there.
  6. Thordar

    Thordar Active Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    New MMO's fail because they look at the success and of others and promptly copy it which brings nothing new to the table. Hardcode gamers take a quick look and then promptly dump it. New MMO's are like any other computer game; to be a success they have to offer something a bit new.
    (they probably need to be free to play at lower levels as well but that's a different story!!)
  7. Ananda

    Ananda Member

    Sep 2, 2013
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    I think it's silly to speculate about the success/failure of a game that has only been in closed beta so far. I also think this game will offer tons of content and multiple ways to experience content as well as offering a level of immersion that has been sorely missing from MMO's over the past few years. I think the housing plots will offer a social/community/creative aspect that many people have to multi-game to achieve.
  8. agzander

    agzander Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    People always seem to view smaller mmos as not as good because they aren't huge. Eventually the mmo often is forced to go free to play. Many people have the idea in their head that games go to free to play as they are lesser quality. Making it harder to gather more players due to their image.

    I'm sure there's much more to it than this, but I believe this is a part of the issues many mmos have.
  9. Brad

    Brad Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Its very difficult to compete with what's already out really I think that's the only reason I believe if someone was to create something unique then advertise it could become huge as long as it stays updated etc.
  10. James

    James Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    I think the main reason is because they either spend too much and don't get enough back or they have way too many issues like bugs, glitches, lag and no unique features all resulting in failure.
  11. wowtgp

    wowtgp Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Here si why they fail in my opinion -

    1.) No end game content - If you don't have an end game content, you will lose players soon.

    2.) Wrong business model - Don't ever go for subscription based model unless you have something to offer that the world hasn't seen yet. Or if a game is F2P, do it correct.
  12. RMCMage

    RMCMage Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Well the main reason I think they fail is their all to similar and their is no end goal so for the average gamer it will feel like a waste of time.
  13. NimChimpsky

    NimChimpsky Member

    Dec 31, 2013
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    As others here have noted, most MMOs are very similar. Most modern MMOs have taken the "theme park" route of MMO creation - that is, you pony up your ticket (money, time invested, whatever), and you are treated to pre-scripted, safe, inoffensive fun. Like Disney World!

    The problem is, the theme park MMO has been done, and it's been done to death. Many MMO "story lines" involve you being the hero in a war of some kind or being the savior of a people or some other inane drivel. The bottom line though is that everyone is going through the same pre-scripted events ad nauseum.

    In my opinion, there won't be another super popular MMO (think WoW "killer) until developers start to innovate and drift away from the sandbox. If you are truly creating a persistent, living world then the game play should be living in it. The game play should be player created and player driven. In reality, I don't know how this would happen, because from a development point, it's probably a bitch to do, but I do know that continuing to copy WoW's model will do developers no good in the long run.
  14. RMCMage

    RMCMage Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    I don't see to many future mmos thinking outside of the box devs know that all that have to do is make crafting hard and put items in their cash shop to increase the chances and a lot of people will spend $100-1000 on that crap.
  15. Rocketman

    Rocketman Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2013
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    I think it's just because of a saturated market and lack of innovation. Most MMOs seem to try to copy WoW, and most of the time they don't do as good as a job so you might as well just stick with WoW. There's just so many MMOs out there now, and considering how they're long term investments instead of 10 hour long single player campaigns, you'll want to pick the best and best only because most people don't have the time to juggle more than 1 or 2 MMOs.
  16. Lodismel

    Lodismel Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    It's a bit early to be talking about this game failing isn't it? That aside I do agree that most new MMOs do eventually fail after the hype dies down. I'm hopeful for this game since it seems to do enough things different to be interesting. That's the main thing that makes MMOs fail, they just aren't different enough.
  17. Tersuss

    Tersuss Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    You are absolutely right, at the end of the day if you want an MMO to succeed then it really needs to be running right off the starting block and not fall at the first hurdle and I'm talking about getting tens of thousands of subscriptions within the first week, otherwise it will just be scrapped as another failed game release, but it is as you say due to the iron grip that games such as WoW hold over the market.