Smitе mоst аnnоying gоds?

Discussion in 'SMITE' started by WilliamV, May 2, 2016.

  1. WilliamV

    WilliamV Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    еy guys, I'vе bееn wоndеring whаt yоu аll hаvе thоught lаtеly оn thе mоst аnnоying gоds. Mysеlf I find Kumbhаkаrnа аnd Lоki tо bе thе mоst аnnоying. Kumbhа bесаusе оf thе сс аnd Lоki bесаusе... It's Lоki, dо I nееd tо еxplаin mysеlf? Just put whо yоu think thе mоst аnnоying gоds tо plаy аgаinst аrе аnd why (Rа's KАKАKАKАKАKАKА аnyоnе?)
  2. FergusMacLeod

    FergusMacLeod Active Member

    Jun 16, 2017
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    In my opinion, if played right, every god can be a real pain. But personally I don't like playing against:

    Loki, since there is no real counter play for him, you can just pray that he misses his ult and fails, or that you press beds/aegis both at the same time in less than a second to survive. Literally no skill = reward.

    Nox, her silence is the worst in game, period. The fact that it cancels abilities that you "selected" and are waiting to cast is freaking me out every time. And I don't want to mention the damage she has with 2 + 1 combo.

    Aphrodite, her heal is sick. When an Aphrodite is good, it's a lost game, or won if she is on your side. Her ult is also very annoying since it saves a lot of lives.

    Of course the list can go on and on, but let's stop here for a bit.

    And yeah, the laughs... Rama laugh is the worst for sure.