
Hоw dо I win?

Discussion in 'More Civilization' started by Goodman, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. Goodman

    Goodman Well-Known Member Regular

    Prеtty оdd quеstiоn fоr thе gооd plаyеrs оut thеrе, but I саn't win. еvеr. I'vе lооkеd up tutоriаls, оn YоuTubе аnd оn Rеddit, аnd I'vе bееn plаying this gаmе fоr ~10 yеаrs оn аnd оff. I dоn't hаvе а ridiсulоus аmоunt оf hоurs plаyеd, but I'd еxpесt tо hаvе wоn аt lеаst оnе gаmе in thе timе I'vе plаyеd, whiсh is why I'm dissаpоintеd in mysеlf.
    Usuаlly I try tо gо fоr а сulturаl/sсiеntifiс viсtоry, by just hаving аll my funding intо sсiеnсе, kееping а stеаdy trеаsury, building аll thе imprоvеmеnts thаt bооst sсiеnсе аnd сulturе, but I аlwаys еnd up аt wаr with а nеighbоring сiv аnd gеtting аbsоlutеly dеmоlishеd. I'vе triеd (аlmоst) еvеry соuntry, whiсh I dоn't think is thе prоblеm. Dо I nееd tо plаy mоrе аggrеsivе? Shоuld I try piсking а militаristiс сivilizаtiоn, pumping еvеrything intо militаry аnd just running оvеr my оppоsitiоn? I'vе nеvеr triеd thаt plаystylе (nоt surе why, mаybе I'm tоо sсаrеd) but I fееl likе thаt's thе оnly thing lеft I hаvеn't triеd.
  2. NormaD

    NormaD Active Member Regular

    You've been playing for that long and you haven't won? I am a total newbie to this game, but I'm sure if I spent ten years on it and never won, I'd be really disappointed in myself too. lol... Sure hope someone here can help you. Good luck!
  3. Casiox

    Casiox Well-Known Member Regular

    Well, I've not played this game for too long but and I have also never won, ever, I do not even know if you can win in this game because everything is a constant development of your world and that kind of stuff, I personally think that you won once you think you've won, I mean you won when you consider it like so, I know it is not a very accurate answer to your question but it might be if you let it be, that is my opinion though.
  4. FuZyOn

    FuZyOn Well-Known Member Regular

    What helped me to get better at the game is watching walkthrough videos on Youtube, you can learn tips and tricks from there that you can apply on your own save as well. I used to never win in Civilization but after watching a few gameplay series I got quite good.
  5. Terry

    Terry Well-Known Member Regular

    Build а сity, аutоmаtе yоur wоrkеr.
    Sеt funds fоr sсiеnсе 100%, sеt thе mаin gоаl Rеpubliс. Whеn yоu stаrt tо hаvе nеgаtivе grоwth, lоwеr funds fоr sсiеnсе. оr try tо sеll thе tесhnоlоgy tо оthеr сivilizаtiоns.
    Build wаrriоr аnd lеt him brоwsе thе tеrrаin, mаybе yоu'll find sоmе villаgеs with саsh, whiсh will еnаblе yоu tо kееp yоur sсiеnсе funds аt 100%.
    Build аnоthеr wаrriоr аnd fоrtify thе сity.
    Build bаrrасks оr еvеn bеttеr, tеmplе, if yоu hаvе thе оptiоn.
    аftеr thаt stаrt building Sеttlеrs likе сrаzy, thе mоrе thе mеrriеr. 5 оr 6 will bе suffiсiеnt.
    Whеn yоu mаkе а nеw сity, first fоrtify it, thеn build wоrkеr, аftеr thаt Tеmplе (сulturе).
    аftеr yоu hаvе rеасhеd Rеpubliс, сhаngе thе rеgimе.
    аt thе middlе аgеs, first sсiеnсе gоаl shоuld bе dеmосrасy. Rеmеmbеr, try tо hаvе sсiеnсе funds аs high аs yоu саn. Sеll tесhnоlоgy tо оthеrs fоr mоrе саsh.

    So I hope this help
  6. rz3300

    rz3300 Well-Known Member Regular

    I think that the one thing that I love about this game, actually I immediately take that back because there is certainly more than one thing, but anyways, I love that this was not even a question I asked myself. at this point I could not careless how to win, and I am too involved in learning about the game and experimenting and just playing. There is plenty of time for beating the game, but at first I like to be the kid on Christmas morning.
  7. DeeDee

    DeeDee Well-Known Member Regular

    Try looking up some videos on youtube to see if any of them fits your play style while still being effective.i find that it's important to find a method that still is fun for you because even if you try and emulate how others do it it becomes a little less fun just doing it exactly their way.
  8. Mistiq

    Mistiq Member Regular

    Has anyone ever actually won at this game? Is that even possible? Or does the game just keep going because you are forever developing your world... It would be nice to know.
  9. ad.mike2016

    ad.mike2016 Member Regular

    What is the difficultly setting that you are using? It would be pretty surprising if you were on the novice setting and having trouble winning. However, I guess we all play the game differently. My biggest piece of advice would be to play on the novice setting and go on the offensive as soon as possible. This will allow you to get a quick win under your belt. Let me know how it works or if you need any more pointers feel free to ask I am more than happy to help!
  10. rz3300

    rz3300 Well-Known Member Regular

    Yes, you can win, but it is pretty underwhelming. I always end up starting a new one even before I get close, which I guess is weird to think about but that is just how it goes with me. I like the beginning of the game more, and starting out is just more enjoyable, so I spend my time doing that.
  11. krnd

    krnd Well-Known Member Regular

    Look up some tutorials on how to turtle properly, I think they're not that complicated and can guarantee you a couple of wins if you follow through properly!
  12. Casiox

    Casiox Well-Known Member Regular

    Even if you follow the tutorials properly you may end up stuck in the same place, it is not all about the tutorial, remember that you never know what's going to happen in the game ;)
  13. HappyKoi

    HappyKoi Member Regular

    Well, there are a lot of ways to win. Sometimes I like to get a pretty aggressive civilization (like the Huns in Civilization V) and just wipe the competition off the map early. In Civilization IV, I found that I could get a Cultural Victory without much effort, and sometimes I even got it when I wasn't trying. The Diplomatic victories are quite a bit harder, and it helps to have at least three other civilizations in play. I can't help you out there, since mine come mostly by luck. The time victory is basically just staying alive. For Space Race, focus on technology, and check your Tech Tree often to see what you need to build your spaceship. These are some pretty basic tips, but I hope it gets you in the right direction.
  14. Casiox

    Casiox Well-Known Member Regular

    The first option is really complicated if you don't really know how to play the game properly, that's why you need to get ahold of some experience first, of course.
  15. AntonioCalcano

    AntonioCalcano Member Regular

    I've never been able to win either, I think this game is formulated with the idea of a sandbox experience, sure you have your questline and everything but most of the fun of this game is that you can make it as long as you want or if it's a timed mission until the time runs out. I believe that you need to be really experienced in civilization games and been playing it for long in order to understand the very complex mechanics that it has.
  16. rz3300

    rz3300 Well-Known Member Regular

    Well as was discussed in a previous section, I can tell you that the most undramatic or lamest way to win is the letting the time run out. That does seem to happen a lot though, once you start not paying attention.
  17. pwarbi

    pwarbi Well-Known Member Regular

    While I do understand that this game is a lot harder than most, I am quite surprised that you haven't been able to win a t least a few times in the past ten years. If that was me, I'd have given up long ag so fair play to you for sticking with it.

    There is a multitude of tips and guides available for this game, so without knowing here you have looked already, it's hard to point you in the right direction. All I will say though, is try not to cut corners and rely on to many different guides. Pick one and stick with it from start to finish because using too many can actually have the opposite effect, and leave you losing and feeling even more confused.
  18. rz3300

    rz3300 Well-Known Member Regular

    That is a little surprising to me as well that it has been that rare over the last couple of year. That said though I guess when you start to not pay attention the games can last a while and then just all the sudden end.