E.T. Atari Game: Mass Burial at Dump Site

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by NuclearWastE3, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. NuclearWastE3

    NuclearWastE3 The Toxic Avenger

    Jan 4, 2013
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    In 1982, the Steven Spielberg movie "E.T." came out. Soon after, Atari, the game making company, decided to make a game after the movie in hopes that it would be as successful as the movie was for Spielberg. They were wrong. Very wrong. It turns out that the game was so bad that it is consider to be the worst game ever in the history of video games. As rumor has it, in 1983, after having such an unsuccessful market in selling the E.T. game, Atari decided to load up millions of unsold copies of the game onto trucks and sent them off to be dumped into a landfill in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Over the years, people have speculated over whether this story was true or not, but finally, after 31 years, they will get the answer.
    Just last night while I was watching the local news, a story covering the great E.T. game dumping of 1982 aired. It reported that on April 26 of this year, an excavation team in search of the truth will begin excavating at the Alamogordo landfill to see if there really was and is millions of copies of the worst game in video game history buried there. Now, as luck has it, I live only 89 miles (143 km) from Alamogordo -which is less than a two hour drive for me. I'm not sure if I'll go, yet, but it sure will be damn interesting if I do go. Who knows, maybe it'll be like Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arc. If there happens to be millions of copies of E.T. down there and I decide to go there to watch the excavation, there will be a whirlwind of ghosts when the game cartridges are found and begin to turn everybody's faces into soup. I just gotta remember to close my eyes, if I do go, for the time that the games are in plain view. ;)

    Here are a few screenshots of the actual game:


  2. Potarto

    Potarto Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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  3. vitormaduro

    vitormaduro Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    There are two possible outcomes:

    1. You drive to New Mexico and see the cartridges, confirming one of the greatest video game hoax of all time.

    2. You drive to New Mexico, and see nothing... But you'll be in New Mexico, you can enjoy the rest of the day there :3

    If I were you, I'd go.

    Oh, and take pictures.