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League Of Legends Reveals Tentative Changes Via Patch 8.4!

by on February 3, 2018

What’s the next changes coming to League of Legends? Who are getting nerfed and buffed?

League of Legends is a game that is constantly under construction in one form or another. The game is complete, yes, but, the Champions that you play as are almost always getting altered to better balance the game. Riot Games has revealed some of the changes that are coming in Patch 8.4

Now, some of these things may not stick, but should they do so, here are some of the Champions who will be affected by teh patch.

Champ Nerfs:

  • Ornn – Looking at what enemies should be able to do to respond to him in lane. Details to be determined.
  • Gnar – Needs clearer weaknesses enemies can play around, particularly in lane. Details also TBD.
  • Kalista – We’re still working on pulling power out of Kalista for pro play without hitting her hard in regular play.

Champ Buffs:

  • Evelynn – Previous nerfs were harder than intended. Looking to give a bit of power back in a straightforward way.
  • Volibear – Fingers crossed will finally get changes in 8.4. We’ve been testing a range of things in addition to the previously mentioned brief displacement on champs on E. That knockback’s still testing well so that’s almost certainly happening. Probably a secondary buff as well (e.g. might have Q MS not fall off so aggressively when briefly facing away from enemy champs to move around skillshots or whatever).
  • Fiddlesticks – Is struggling quite a bit in the jungle. Buffing as a result, not sure exactly how yet.
  • Talon – Struggling in both mid and top. We’d previously been avoiding giving him power because he was doing well in top lane, he’s just
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